Monday, 31 March 2014

Session 6: Control and Proggramming 2 LOGO

Example of LOGO output
During this session we were introduced to a programme called LOGO. LOGO is an educational program where children can draw by entering commands. With this program children are constantly thinking about the mathematical aspects of the program; e.g. distance, angles, position. The program is similar to programmable toys in the respect that both can be computer controlled however, programmable toys are real objects whereas LOGO is a computer-based program.

Why is LOGO so important?

The most important aspect of children using LOGO is that the programme involves thinking about processes and it is more educational to look at how the design was created rather than the end result; I believe that this enhances children’s problem solving skills as they can think of different ways to reach the end result.

We were able to explore LOGO and create different shapes, our initials, just really experiment and think about the processes.

To use LOGO you need to type in commands in the command box, followed by a number to represent the distance to move and the degree of any angles.
These are some of the commands, I used:
Command box
  • FD - forward
  • BK - back 
  • RT - right turn
  • LT - left turn
  • PU - pen up
  • PD - pen down
  • CS - clear screen
  • CT - clear text
  • REPEAT - repeat a command
My exploration making shapes

Using PU and PD to create my initials
My exploration using a 'repeat' command

I would most definitely use this programme in the classroom, as it brings many opportunities for improving mathematical skills. For children in KS1 I would allow them to play with the program, experiment and then show them that they can create shapes which they can replicate e.g. a square. For KS2 I would also use this programme and challenge them at the same time by, creating shapes like pentagons, octagon and allowing them to think about the angles they will need to create the shapes. Thus, this should enhance their thinking skills. problems solving skills and develop their mathematical understanding.

Click Introduction to LOGO, to acquire more skills and knowledge about LOGO.

Williams and Easingwood outline some of the areas that can be supported by the program LOGO:

  • 'Problem solving
  • Spatial awareness
  • Direction
  • Logical thinking - thinking in an ordered way
  • Estimation skills' (Williams, Easingwood, pg 102)
Reference List
Williams, Easingwood, ICT and Primary Mathematics; A Teacher's guide,

Thank you for reading! Watch out for my next post!

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